“Article I”
The name of this society shall be the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Delta.
“Article II”
The aim of Phi Beta Delta is to recognize and encourage high professional, intellectual and personal achievements in the field of international education. The Society will serve as a means of encouraging interdisciplinary and intergenerational contacts and promoting the exchange of ideas and information in the area of international affairs among students, faculty and staff of George Mason University and other academic institutions.
“Article III”
Membership shall be based on criteria established by the executive committee in accordance with the aims of the organization. Any exceptions will be adjudicated on a case-by-case basis by the committee. The criteria are as follows:
For Domestic Students:
- Upper division or graduate standing.
- Completion of a minimum of one semester of study abroad or a summer experience of no less than four weeks in length and approved by Mason Study Abroad, or by significant residence abroad.
- Demonstrated academic excellence (Minimum Cumulative GPA):
- Graduate Students– 3.6
- Undergraduate Students– 3.4
For International Students:
- Upper division or graduate standing.
- Valid immigration status.
- Demonstrated academic excellence (Minimum Cumulative GPA):
- Graduate students — 3.6
- Undergraduate students — 3.4
For Faculty and Staff:
- Nomination by a member in good standing.
- Demonstrated interest and involvement in international scholarly activities (e.g.. Fulbright, research , service or teaching overseas, publications/presentations, significant contribution to campus international educational programs).
- Willingness to contribute to the activities of the society.
Honorary Membership
The executive committee may name honorary members. Such persons shall pay no dues or fees.
Candidates for membership will be approved by the members of the executive committee of the chapter and will be offered the opportunity to participate in the annual initiation ceremony. Participation in the ceremony is expected, although exceptions may be made due to extenuating circumstances.
The executive committee will convene meetings of the chapter once a semester to conduct the chapter’s business, and on a more frequent basis for other purposes.
“Article IV”
Executive Committee
Section I
The executive committee shall include both faculty and students members and may include members of the university staff.
Section II
The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President (faculty), Vice President (student), Secretary (faculty), Secretary (student), Treasurer (faculty), Treasurer (student) and the Chapter Coordinator.
Section III
The executive committee may establish standing committees, all of which must include faculty and student members and may include members of the University staff.
“Article V”
Section I
The elected officers shall be President, Vice President (faculty), Vice President (student), Secretary (faculty), Secretary (student), Treasurer (faculty) and Treasurer (student).
The Chapter Coordinator shall be appointed by the Provost.
Section II
The President shall preside over meetings of the society and the executive committee, appoint members of committees, represent the society at official functions, communicate regularly with the Chapter Coordinator regarding events and perform all other duties belonging to the chief executive officer.
Section III
The Vice President (faculty) shall preside in the absence of the President and perform other duties as assigned by the President. The Vice President (faculty), along with the Vice President (student) shall be responsible for event planning.
Section IV
The Secretary (faculty and student) shall be responsible for communications.
Section V
The Treasurer (faculty) shall collect and give receipts for all monies collected, make disbursements upon order of the Society, keep an accurate and complete record of all receipts and disbursements and report this record of funds to the Society on a regular basis. The Treasurer (student) shall assist the Treasurer (faculty) upon request.
Section VI
The executive committee appoints other students to act as liaisons where necessary.
“Article VI”
Dues and Fees
Section I
The membership initiation fee shall be paid by each undergraduate, graduate, faculty and staff candidate at or before the time of initiation into the Society. The amount of this fee shall be determined by the executive committee and shall be paid to the treasurer prior to the initiation ceremony.
Membership dues, as determined by the executive committee, shall be paid by each member annually.
“Article VII”
Section I
The executive committee shall establish a nomination committee, which will recommend a single slate of officers to the board during the spring semester.
Section II
Elections will be conducted by email ballot and shall include a provision for write-in candidates. Ballots shall be sent to the general membership at least two weeks prior to the date set for the counting of ballots.
Section III
Election to office will require receipt of a majority of valid ballots cast.
Section IV
In the event of resignation or inability to serve on the part of an elected officer of the Chapter, the executive committee shall appoint a replacement.
“Article VIII”
Approval of By-Laws
These by-laws shall be submitted to the chapter’s members for approval at the first meeting in the Fall 2002 semester. Approval will be by a majority of those present and voting.
Amendment of By-Laws
Section I
Proposed amendments to the by-laws may be presented to the Society, in writing, at least one meeting before it/they are to voted upon.
Section II
Approval by a majority of the voting members present at a meeting shall be required for passage of a proposed amendment. The amendment shall become binding immediately thereafter.
“Article IX”
Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order, (Revised), shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable.